Started in 2018

Our story of

making people happy at home

Being asked by your customers to “please help us” is a sure-fire way of getting an idea off and running and that is how the plans for the InPlace Care Service business started in Australia in 2018.

Supported by Top Universities

Our customers are leading Universities across Australia where we help manage the clinical experience for over 50,000 Bachelor of Nursing students each year through our software InPlace. The University Management have the goal for their students to grow in experience and skill.

Service Platform

Top Technological Knowledge

The InPlace Care business team having many years experience in managing clinical services, set about overseeing the build of the Service Platform with the outcome being a modern digital application that can now be provided to clients and students economically and efficiently.

Perfect Management

The InPlace Care Service Platform has been designed to allow the Client and the Carer to manage their relationship including setting the fees for service, arrange appointments and communicating care plans and detailing the actual work performed.
Vetted Personnel

Highly Qualified Nursing Students

They say it takes a special person to become a Nurse, we feel lucky that we have the opportunity to work with thousands of these special people every day on the InPlace Care Service Platform.

Our story so far

the journey to make home-based care better
InPlace is a software program used by leading universities in Australia to manage clinical placements, the Universities approach us to help them gain supportive work for their students in the field of Nursing
The InPlace Care software platform was designed to help Australians age well in their own homes, this Aging In Place is a key fundamental in today’s society, supported by Commonwealth Governments over the past 5 years
The InPlace Care software linking Nursing Students and professional Carers to people wanting support to stay in their homes is launched


Why we are focused on our future

A leader in our market, recognised for our expertise as a preferred care service provider, based on a viable and sustainable digital business model.


what makes the preference
By using modern technology to provide a high level of support for home-based clients allows the needed services to be prompt, easy to use & flexible and cost effective.


How we all work towards meeting the expectations of our clients

InPlace Care is a newly established digital business designed to provide a high level of support for home-based clients using modern technology to communicate, schedule, report and service patients safely to maintain their independence in their own


Why we are focused on our future

A leader in our market, recognised for our expertise as a preferred care service provider, based on a viable and sustainable digital business model.


what makes the preference
By using modern technology to provide a high level of support for home-based clients allows the needed services to be prompt, easy to use & flexible and cost effective.


How we all work towards meeting the expectations of our clients

InPlace Care is a newly established digital business designed to provide a high level of support for home-based clients using modern technology to communicate, schedule, report and service patients safely to maintain their independence in their own


Principles that push us forward


The courage to shape a better future



Leverage collective service excellence with our workers



Be real, provide real communication



For one’s actions, driving accountability with all business partners



Committed in hearts and minds



As inclusive as our clients and workers are diverse



What we do, we do well

Use modern technology to service your loved ones safely to maintain their independence in their own homes at a Cost-Effective Price.


Join our mailing list for the latest news about our events, promos and exciting offers!

No spam, ever. Your email address will only ever be used for InPlace Care.

© 2025 InPlace Care. All Rights Reserved.
© 2025 InPlace Care. All Rights Reserved.

We know that the COVID-19 virus presents significant challenges and concerns for our clients and their families. InPlace Care have instigated many new operational actions to protect clients in the community.



  • Keeping our Carer community up to date with regular updates and new clinical operational procedures relevant for the best protection of their clients and themselves
  • Refreshed our Training documents for Hand Hygiene to recognize the COVID-19 recommendations
  • Continued our administration services and functions by supporting staff to work remotely, as well as other options that best suit individual staff circumstances.


  • Keeping the InPlace Care community up to date with clinical advice that best support good practice in the provision of Home Care services
  • Implementing measures to mitigate an outbreak, including measures around health, hygiene, and general wellbeing of the community.
    Continuing to plan for potential scenarios and impacts to ensure the safety of our clients and carers.

The Inplace Care worker visiting your home is taking the necessary measures to ensure you say safe.
This includes following advice from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer about when to use equipment such as masks, gloves, aprons or gowns, and protective eyewear.
Most importantly, look after yourself and keep safe.

The promotion conditions are:
  1. The maximum FOC care in February 2021 is 8 hours of Care per individual Client when you book and pay for 8 hours of care
  2. limited to the first 10 Clients that take it up

The program will run for 4 weeks in February 2021.
The promotional FOC Care is only redeemable for new Clients that register and receive Care in February 2021.