We know that the COVID-19 virus presents significant challenges and concerns for our clients and their families. InPlace Care have instigated many new operational actions to protect clients in the community.
- Keeping our Carer community up to date with regular updates and new clinical operational procedures relevant for the best protection of their clients and themselves
- Refreshed our Training documents for Hand Hygiene to recognize the COVID-19 recommendations
- Continued our administration services and functions by supporting staff to work remotely, as well as other options that best suit individual staff circumstances.
- Keeping the InPlace Care community up to date with clinical advice that best support good practice in the provision of Home Care services
- Implementing measures to mitigate an outbreak, including measures around health, hygiene, and general wellbeing of the community.
Continuing to plan for potential scenarios and impacts to ensure the safety of our clients and carers.
The Inplace Care worker visiting your home is taking the necessary measures to ensure you say safe.
This includes following advice from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer about when to use equipment such as masks, gloves, aprons or gowns, and protective eyewear.
Most importantly, look after yourself and keep safe.