Effective Date: From 1st November 2019 InPlace Care wish to ensure that the safety of our Supporters and their Clients is paramount in the provision of Home Care support.

We do this in part by making sure all our contracted carers are fit for service within the Aged Care Industry through having a current and acceptable Criminal Record Check. We are pleased to share with you the background to this Check and how InPlace Care handles the review and approval of all potential carers who apply to become a business partner with InPlace Care.

The Aged Care Act 1997 stipulates in Division 2 ‘Responsibilities of approved providers’;

Conditions for all new staff members and volunteers, an approved provider must not allow a person to become a staff member or volunteer unless the approved provider is satisfied that:

(ii) convicted of, and sentenced to imprisonment for, any other form of assault.

The candidate must have a current and original National Police Certificate, that is, no more than 12 Months old. InPlace Care will accept this as evidence of ability to
work within the Aged Care Health sector. The certificate will be checked for currency and acceptable content for employment in the Health Care Sectors.

Carers are advised that it is their responsibility to advise InPlace Care of any convictions they may receive between check intervals. If all other elements of the recruitment process have been satisfactory, the carer can be placed on the InPlace Care Service database ready to be offered work as it becomes available.

Additional outstanding charges, warrants, court orders, offences, finding of guilt, with or without conviction, for the following also need to be taken into account
when determining suitability to work within the Health Sector. Carers will be excluded from the InPlace Care Service if their disclosable court outcomes include a finding of guilt or conviction for:

If the report is deemed to be negative then the carer will not be released into the service. Exceptional circumstances may exist and all decisions need to be;

It should be noted that the carer is entitled to a fair process and has a right of independent review.

Should a prospective Carer not have a current National Police Certificate they will not be able to join InPlace Care and are advised to go online to any government approved provider, complete and print the form from the site and fulfill the requirements as requested on the form.

The National Police Certificate needs to be renewed at periodic intervals, as stipulated in the legislation, so carers must remember to have a current and up to date certificate available for viewing by any Supporter within the Health Care Sector.

Use modern technology to service your loved ones safely to maintain their independence in their own homes at a Cost-Effective Price.


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© 2025 InPlace Care. All Rights Reserved.

We know that the COVID-19 virus presents significant challenges and concerns for our clients and their families. InPlace Care have instigated many new operational actions to protect clients in the community.



  • Keeping our Carer community up to date with regular updates and new clinical operational procedures relevant for the best protection of their clients and themselves
  • Refreshed our Training documents for Hand Hygiene to recognize the COVID-19 recommendations
  • Continued our administration services and functions by supporting staff to work remotely, as well as other options that best suit individual staff circumstances.


  • Keeping the InPlace Care community up to date with clinical advice that best support good practice in the provision of Home Care services
  • Implementing measures to mitigate an outbreak, including measures around health, hygiene, and general wellbeing of the community.
    Continuing to plan for potential scenarios and impacts to ensure the safety of our clients and carers.

The Inplace Care worker visiting your home is taking the necessary measures to ensure you say safe.
This includes following advice from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer about when to use equipment such as masks, gloves, aprons or gowns, and protective eyewear.
Most importantly, look after yourself and keep safe.

The promotion conditions are:
  1. The maximum FOC care in February 2021 is 8 hours of Care per individual Client when you book and pay for 8 hours of care
  2. limited to the first 10 Clients that take it up

The program will run for 4 weeks in February 2021.
The promotional FOC Care is only redeemable for new Clients that register and receive Care in February 2021.