Indoor Gardening – Bringing the Outside In
Horticulture therapy (or gardening with a therapeutic intention) has been shown to reduce agitation, depression and falls in people with dementia.
The World Health Organisation (very much in the news throughout the current Coronavirus pandemic), defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Whatever your age, whatever your occupation, whatever your circumstances & challenges, this definition is an excellent reminder that your “healthiness” is not a simple, singular entity.
It is not just about your weight, the glow of your skin, your blood pressure, how much you walk each, what you eat!
The WHO definition encourages us to think about health far more broadly. Health is often written about & assessed across five (5) domains – physical, emotional, social, spiritual & intellectual. Let’s have a look at each of these domains, with a few key statements/questions.
When you or someone close to you is struggling with health-related issues & need assistance, InPlace Care is available to help.
Want more information about InPlace Care services? Check out some of our favourite Services.
How are you managing your weight? Are you exercising regularly? Nutrition & hydration-adequate & appropriate? Drugs, Alcohol, smoking? Sleeping habits?
Are you aware of your emotions, reactions, mood? Do you express your feelings appropriately? Are you reflective about your emotional state? Do you recognise & manage stress? Strive to find balance in your life? Can you talk about your emotional health with others if/when necessary?
Are you socially connected? How are you nurturing your social networks? - family, friends, work. Club/group memberships? Local community involvement?
Have you reflected on your values, beliefs, purpose? Meditation, Yoga, formal religious activities & expression? Taking time out each day for yourself. Practice forgiveness, tolerance, empathy.
Are you intellectually stimulated? Do you challenge yourself? Do you continue to learn? Maintain an interest in current & community affairs? Reading, theatre, movies, games, and hobbies.
keep updated and safe with InPlace Care news
Horticulture therapy (or gardening with a therapeutic intention) has been shown to reduce agitation, depression and falls in people with dementia.
Mobility Limitations can be a risk factor for several conditions and lead to increased isolation and loneliness. A carer helps to make your home more accessible.
Many of us have had our first experiences of telehealth in the past year, as appointments that do not require a physical examination are often being conducted online during covid lockdowns.
Osteoporosis (porous bones in Latin) is a condition causing a loss of bone density which makes the bones brittle and susceptible to breaking. Osteoporosis is more common in older age.
Use modern technology to service your loved ones safely to maintain their independence in their own homes at a Cost-Effective Price.
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We know that the COVID-19 virus presents significant challenges and concerns for our clients and their families. InPlace Care have instigated many new operational actions to protect clients in the community.
The Inplace Care worker visiting your home is taking the necessary measures to ensure you say safe.
This includes following advice from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer about when to use equipment such as masks, gloves, aprons or gowns, and protective eyewear.
Most importantly, look after yourself and keep safe.
The program will run for 4 weeks in February 2021.
The promotional FOC Care is only redeemable for new Clients that register and receive Care in February 2021.