Five Benefits of Technology for Older Adults

Technology has developed so fast that it can feel intimidating or difficult to master for some older adults. But there are proven psychological and health benefits to be gained by engaging with the tech space. 

Here are just Five Benefits of Technology for Older Adults:

Home Care, Caregiver, Elderly Support, Elderly Activities, Technology for Older Adults
  • Social Connection
    Social connectivity is one of the most important predictors of ongoing good health. Technology enables us to make vital connections with loved ones anywhere in the world and can enable new friendships to emerge.  
  • Safety
    Personal emergency response systems, which call for help at the press of a button and GPS devices to help manage wandering in people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
  • Health Tracking
    Wearable devices can track sleep, steps taken, heart rate and more specific measures to help aid healthy living, while smartphone apps can assist with medication management including alarms to take medication and notifications to refill scripts.
  • Entertainment and Education
    Technology allows us to find groups to engage in hobbies and special interests and can be a source of news and education through online newspapers and ebooks. Staying engaged with the world is vital for self-esteem and can ward off the effects of cognitive decline as we age. 
  • Exercise
    Gaming consoles such as a Wii, which are controlled by movement, can be a fun way to get in daily exercise. Numerous exercise programs can be found on YouTube and other apps and streaming sites.

One of the largest barriers that older adults face in accessing technology is a lack of support and that is where the great team at InPlace Care can help. Sign Up Free and search for support from experienced people who live close to you. 

All workers are Identification checked and all have a current Police Check to be able to work in the Home Care industry and are covered for business insurance for Platform managed work.


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Use modern technology to service your loved ones safely to maintain their independence in their own homes at a Cost-Effective Price.


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© 2025 InPlace Care. All Rights Reserved.

We know that the COVID-19 virus presents significant challenges and concerns for our clients and their families. InPlace Care have instigated many new operational actions to protect clients in the community.



  • Keeping our Carer community up to date with regular updates and new clinical operational procedures relevant for the best protection of their clients and themselves
  • Refreshed our Training documents for Hand Hygiene to recognize the COVID-19 recommendations
  • Continued our administration services and functions by supporting staff to work remotely, as well as other options that best suit individual staff circumstances.


  • Keeping the InPlace Care community up to date with clinical advice that best support good practice in the provision of Home Care services
  • Implementing measures to mitigate an outbreak, including measures around health, hygiene, and general wellbeing of the community.
    Continuing to plan for potential scenarios and impacts to ensure the safety of our clients and carers.

The Inplace Care worker visiting your home is taking the necessary measures to ensure you say safe.
This includes following advice from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer about when to use equipment such as masks, gloves, aprons or gowns, and protective eyewear.
Most importantly, look after yourself and keep safe.

The promotion conditions are:
  1. The maximum FOC care in February 2021 is 8 hours of Care per individual Client when you book and pay for 8 hours of care
  2. limited to the first 10 Clients that take it up

The program will run for 4 weeks in February 2021.
The promotional FOC Care is only redeemable for new Clients that register and receive Care in February 2021.